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John Adams remarked that the War for Independence was won 10 years before the first shot was fired, because it had been won in the hearts and the minds of the people.

The concept of freedom was an integral precept of the American consciousness at that time period. However, since the passing of those 200+ years, the flame of freedom has waned, resulting in certain political, economic, and social liberties that were secured for us by our Forefathers, being diminished, and some disappearing altogether.

The American heritage of liberty is often taken for granted, as we do not recognize or clearly see how freedom and liberty is threatened by oppressive government. Freedom, while difficult to win, is likewise difficult to keep. Freedom comes with a price, and that price is eternal vigilance.

Many Americans today tend to dismiss violations of the Constitution as somewhat harmless indiscretions. For some, there seems to be a belief that the government established by our Forefathers will work and serve us well in perpetuity, regardless of constitutional subversion. Many find it more comforting to disregard the plight of constitutional erosion and dwell in an illusionary dream world.

Patrick Henry took note of the danger of refusing to confront the realities that we must sometimes face: "It is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of the siren, till she transforms us into beasts."

"Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for Liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern our temporal salvation? For my part, whatever the anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it."

Responsible Americans must face the fact that the US Constitution has been willfully and continually ignored and abused. Its high time that we Americans take heed of the sound principles of government inherent in the US Constitution, for the erosion of liberty is paralleled with the steady decline of constitutional understanding and fidelity. For far too long constitutional ignorance has become commonplace, resulting in a slew of public officials that possess little if any understanding of the document, or the moral character to represent a free people that was once a distinguishing feature of America.

The foregoing work does not suggest that government is inherently evil. Far from it, but it does reflect the sentiments of our Founding Fathers. George Washington noted that government is "A dangerous servant and a fearful master." President Andrew Jackson said: "There are no necessary evils in government. Its evils exist only in its abuses. If it would confine itself to equal protection... it would be an unqualified blessing."

In America, the proper role of government is indelibly linked with the US Constitution, which is why it is essential for Americans to have a foundational understanding of the document. While it is true that the Constitution is still taught in some high schools and colleges, much less emphasis is placed upon its significance and importance than in previous generations. The author of this work contends that in almost all serious studies of the Constitution, it is being incorrectly taught, coupled with the erroneous notion that it is no longer a vital and central element in our national life.

Be that as it may, the US Constitution still holds a special place in the hearts of most Americans. This attachment to the Constitution, while inconceivable to many "intellectuals" and "scholars", is inherently understood by Americans as the recognition of the source of political and legal authority written by our Founding Fathers, who with great deliberation and rational thought, established a government in accordance with "the eternal rules of order and right."

Although the text of the Constitution has been greatly misunderstood due to perverse interpretation and twisting of its true meaning, the American people will usually demand constitutional adherence when an issue goes against the obvious grain of the text. When they have a firm grasp of its meaning, Americans will insist that the Constitution be obeyed in its entirety.

Therefore, in as much as we have lost our way, we do have an advantage. We have a historical road map in which to trace back our steps, and once again find the road marked "Freedom".

In this work, literally no stone has been left unturned to bring you the pristine view of the US Constitution and America's system of government. In it, you will not find compromise. You will not find the perpetuation of many constitutional myths and falsehoods that have been accepted by almost every constitutional "authority" of today. Nor does this work, as most other constitutional works do, concentrate on court cases (case law) as definitive, superior law. This study is the pure interpretation of the Constitution as it was meant to be interpreted, applied and upheld."

This assimilation of this work by anyone of normal intelligence will result in the individual possessing, by far, a greater and broader understanding of Freedom, Liberty, the US Constitution, and the system of government we live under than most, if not all Constitutional attorneys, Law professors, and even Federal jurists, who in many cases are not constitutional scholars, but merely political appointments.

The question has many times been asked, "Why should we study and learn about the US Constitution, what it means, and the men who were influential and instrumental in its writing?"

Studying and understanding the Constitution, its origins, and why it was created is the key to our destiny as a people and a nation. It will steer us back to the path and direction which will secure the foundations of Liberty for a free people that desire to remain free.

Adherence to the Constitution laid the groundwork for the production of the greatest material, commercial, technological, and spiritual prosperity the world has ever known. By renewed adherence can we reclaim lost freedoms and restore the Constitution to its rightful place as protector of liberty and roadblock to government oppression and tyranny. The meaning of the Constitution has been distorted and hidden underneath tens of thousands of illegitimate laws and pragmatic "solutions", but fortunately, it still stands just waiting to have the debris cleared away.

The journey you are about to embark upon is designed to bring Americans back to the realization of their magnificent heritage, and instill in them the knowledge to effectively and correctly deal with the problems that beset us as a nation.

If we are true to the foundational American faith in Freedom, and possess the meddle to once again fulfill our responsibilities as a free people, America will move forward as the bastion of Liberty that is her destiny.

However, if we continue down the road of constitutional ignorance and defiance, our plight will only worsen. We are approaching the period of time when the Constitution, "that noble edifice, will one day become as the Parthenon, beautiful in its ruins, but nevertheless a useless and deserted temple of Liberty."

The goal of Constitution University is to fully inform Americans as to the purpose for which the US Constitution was written. If we are to discard the Constitution as meaningless scraps of paper, let us not do so by neglect, misinformation, and disinformation. By being fully informed, it is the author's belief that the assertion of the Constitution as an old, archaic document, irrelevant to today's modern society, will be clearly shown to be the deception and falsehood that it is, and the Constitution will again rise to prominence and resume its place in the interest of restoring and preserving freedom."

To conclude, I welcome you, and ask you to join in this noble endeavor. In the words of the notable American patriot, Senator Daniel Webster: "Miracles do not cluster. Hold on to the Constitution of the United States and the Republic for which it stands. What has happened once in six thousand years may never happen again. Hold on to your Constitution, for if the American Constitution shall fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world."

In Liberty,

Daniel S.Lorenzo

Author of
"Constitution University"
